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nourish yourself deeply

& lose weight naturally

Do you want to eat healthy but those darn cravings keep getting in the way?

Learn with me how to truly nourish your inner physical and emotional cravings. You will not only feel satisfied with less food, you will feel so much better about yourself physically, mentally and emotionally!


Hi! I'm Alice

Registered Dietitian
Food Cravings Coach

I coach groups and individuals

how to heal the underlying causes of cravings and overeating, so you can finally feel in control around food and lose the extra weight.

Let's transform your relationship with food and your body!

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I studied nutrition because I wanted to learn how to stay fit. Yet, it wasn't until I went on my own personal journey of overcoming constant sugar cravings that I learned what it means to nourish yourself as a whole person. Eating habits are physical, mental, and emotional. In order to make lasting changes, all of those areas must be addressed!






If you are overweight or you can't stop thinking about food, you don't need to go on a diet! What you need are simple but powerful shifts that remove the intense cravings in the first place. 

Before you can change the way you eat, you need to change what is driving your desire for sweet, salty, or rich foods. These new tools will guide you to nourish yourself in a way that leaves you feeling truly satisfied...without the extra calories.

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Is your sweet tooth sabotaging your health or your energy? 

There is hope and healing ahead!

I would love to help you:


  • Make simple shifts that lessen food cravings


  • Change your mindset around food and eating


  • Learn to nourish your body & soul more deeply


  • Set up strategic controls for your triggers


The Nourishment Community Podcast

small and simple today

The Nourishment Community Podcast explores our relationship with food, and how to eat joyfully yet in balanced ways. Based on scientific research, we share practical sound advice for healthy eating & healthy living. Alice and Matt's down-to-earth approach will keep you listening as we share our personal journey as well. The goal is to take time to reflect on small and simple changes you can make now to enjoy greater health and happiness ahead!

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